
Results for tag:gay
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15 results found

Gun Mute

by C.E.J. Pacian
Tags matched: gay/queer protagonist
(154 ratings)

Draw Everything You See That's Mine and Yours

, by kaleidofish (2014)
Tags matched: gay/queer protagonist
(10 ratings)

Encyclopedia Fuckme and the Case of the Vanishing Entree

by Anna Anthropy
Tags matched: gay/queer protagonist
(21 ratings)

The Lost Spellmaker

, by Neil James Brown (1997)
Tags matched: gay/queer protagonist
(10 ratings)

The Usher Foundation IV: The Vast

by Apollosboy
Tags matched: gay
(3 ratings)

Medicum Veloctic

by Lawrence M Marable
Tags matched: gay
(6 ratings)


by Peter Wonica
Tags matched: gay
(4 ratings)

can you say my name again

by nadia nova
Tags matched: gay/queer protagonist
(8 ratings)

swept up

by Harris Powell-Smith
Tags matched: gay
(2 ratings)

Raise Me Up

, by Piratescarfy (2015)
Tags matched: gay
(1 rating)

Quinn & Flynn

by Stanwixbuster
Tags matched: Gay
(1 rating)


, by Bryce Duzan (2016)
Tags matched: gay
(4 ratings)

doomsday dreamgirl

by Nadia Nova
Tags matched: gay/queer protagonist
(1 rating)

why is this dragon so fucking cute??

by nadia nova
Tags matched: gay
(3 ratings)

gay pharaohs from beyond-time : two slaves one chalice

, by MAXIMUMSPICY (2018)
Tags matched: gay protagonist