
Results for tag:Xyzzy Awards 2002
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19 results found


by Emily Short
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(129 ratings)

The Moonlit Tower

, by Yoon Ha Lee (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(60 ratings)

1893: A World's Fair Mystery

by Peter Nepstad
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(19 ratings)

Lock & Key

by Adam Cadre
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(74 ratings)


, by Peter Seebach and Kevin Lynn (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(25 ratings)

Earth and Sky 2: Another Earth, Another Sky

by Paul O'Brian
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(52 ratings)

Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me

by Mike Sousa and Jon Ingold
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(32 ratings)

Photograph: A Portrait of Reflection

by Steve Evans
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(26 ratings)

Goldilocks is a FOX!

by J. J. Guest
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(11 ratings)


, by Martin Bays (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(19 ratings)


, by Terrence V. Koch (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(12 ratings)

The Temple

, by Johan Berntsson (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(10 ratings)

The Frenetic Five vs. the Seven Deadly Dwarves

, by Neil deMause (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(7 ratings)

The PK Girl

, by Robert Goodwin, Helen Trevillion, Nanami Nekono, and Oya-G (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(25 ratings)

Dutch Dapper IV: The Final Voyage

, by Harry Hol (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(6 ratings)

When Help Collides

, by J. D. Berry (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(15 ratings)

Tookie's Song

, by Jessica Knoch (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(12 ratings)

Elizabeth Hawke's Forever Always

, by Iain Merrick (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(7 ratings)

Out of the Study

, by Anssi Räisänen (2002)
Tags matched: Xyzzy Awards 2002
(3 ratings)