manonamora's Played Games

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I don't want to talk about it., by Nick Gelling

What, so like, we're just going to sit here for an hour? I don't want to talk about it is an interactive story about grief, human connection and the barriers we use to protect ourselves, told exclusively...

I Gave You a Key and You Opened the Darkness, by Nelly Geraldine García-Rosas

Nostalgia brought you back to your childhood home where your name was left behind long ago. It's up to you to re-appropriate that name, celebrate the one you have chosen, or encounter something else... An...

I Have Something Important to Tell You, by KnightAnNi

I have something important to tell you. It's about depression. First, I will pretend that you are my five-year-old child, telling you why mommy takes a pill every morning. Then, I will write down all the...

I Knew A Guy, by MelArtwoeger

! CW: References to suicide ! A small dialogue spreading awareness about suicide. Inspired by the Dialogue Jam from NeoInteractive, where through dialogue or written correspondence, "aims to bring...

I Pet My Cat and Worry, by Amara E
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A 479 word window into the mind of an anxious cat owner with OCD.

I Too, Drink Alone, by Bruhstin
Average member rating: (1 rating)

I Too, Drink Alone is an interactive poem made in Ink for the Single Choice Jam.  Note: This game contains music and sfx.  Assets: "Woodclick" by Samulis under CC0 License."True Love" by Sergey Cheremisinov...

I Want to Kiss, by MeiMeiStudios
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Smoochie Jam 2024 entry. A short and simple interactive story about wanting to get closer to your girlfriend. Might have some secrets.

I'll Drive, by alyshkalia
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

A summer road trip with your best friend and his two younger sisters is the perfect time to finally tell him you're in love with him—right...? “I'll Drive” is a short (~4,000 words) interactive,...

i've been drinking again, by yuveim
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

i've been drinking again a 500 word conversation for the neo-twiny jam this story contains audio elements. audio will autoplay after clicking listen. CONTENT WARNINGS: strong language, themes of alcoholism...

idle hands, by Sophia de Augustine
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

a 500 word piece of idolatrous devil-fucking dynamic fiction. Proverbs 16:27: Idle hands are the devil’s workshop, idle lips are his mouthpiece. made for the neotwinyjam.

If I Die, Consume Me, by Fiddles IFs
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

To eat is a subjugation. It is also a prayer, and a theft. It is pressing your body against another Thing and feeling It and You become Them and Us. It is living and dying and a choice all things must make....

If You Had One Shot, by Wade Clarke, Victor Gijsbers, Hanon Ondricek, Brian Rushton
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

What if you had only one shot? Made for the One Choice Jam by Wade Clarke, Victor Gijsbers, Hanon Ondricek and Brian Rushton. A brief parser game with a single choice. Take your time and read carefully:...

Imago, by Shinø's Brainworks

(Please, play it on full-screen)A rogue-like monologue experiment. Submission for Dialogue Jam 24

Immobilistes, by BenyDanette
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Votre mission aujourd'hui est de determiner la dangerosite d'un groupe radical qui se fait appeler "les immobilistes".
Impact, by Reid Gillis
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
As life flashes before his eyes during a car accident, Stan relives the ups and downs of his life in search of meaning in the ordinary.

The Impossible Conversation, by justsharyn

You've prepared for this conversation. You've rehearsed your lines, cooked up whatever possible scenarios could happen, thought of what they would say. You're ready. This time, you'll make them stay. Content...

In a minute there is time, by Aster
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

A gamified love song to J. Alfred Prufrock and T. S. Eliot. Walk through half-deserted streets and muttering retreats, listen to odd conversations, and take in the evening. You only have 60 seconds, but...

in igni, by Lapin Lunaire Games
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

in igni (adj.) aflame; the state of being consumed (by passion or the past). Never a punishment unless believed to be. 498 words. Created for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2023. A slice of psyche taken from moments in a...

In the Cards, by Sophia de Augustine

A revenant is concerned when he's found at night. In the Cards is a 500 word excerpt from the WIP The Love We Buried.

In The Details, by M.A. Shannon
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Tonight's your big night, Mx. Soon-To-Be Superstar and nothing will stand in your way. You've had everything planned out for the last year leading up to now, and with all the big names coming to tonight's...

Incredible, I hate this, by Stanwixbuster
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

I was doing something else for inkjam 2022 then realised I couldn't make it in a few hours so you get this instead.

indélébile, by William David

Ce jeu a été conçu dans le but d'apaiser certaines de mes angoisses. Il se base sur des faits réels. Afin de préserver la vie privée des personnes citées, les prénoms ont été modifiés. En tant que témoignage...

Infinite Space Battle Simulator, by Autumn Chen
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

A game for the neo-twiny jam, exactly as the title describes. Approximately 300-400 words of text, not including code. Cover/background image source: NASA/ESA/Wikimedia Commons Content Warnings violence,...

InGirum_English, by BenyDanette
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

InGirum is an unfinished game. It's a game in ruins, just like its creator.

InGirum_French, by BenyDanette
manonamora's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

InGirum est un jeu inachevé. C'est un jeu en ruine, à l'image de son créateur.

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