Denk's Wish List

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Aotearoa, by Matt Wigdahl
Average member rating: (61 ratings)

The Fish of Māui. The Land of the Long Cloud. Aotearoa. An entire continent of untamed wilds, and the last place on Earth where dinosaurs still roam. If only you'd come ashore under better circumstances...

Apprentice of the Demonhunter, by The Mad Monk
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

April in Paris, by Jim Aikin
Average member rating: (16 ratings)
On the first day of your dream vacation, you encounter an exasperating social difficulty. (Game file contains complete hints and walkthrough. Zip file includes pdf map.) [blurb from IF Comp 2008]

Arborea, by richard develyn
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

'The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes...

Archaeological Fiction: Sagfjordbotn, by Laurie Lax, Lucila Mayol
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Archaeological Fiction: Sagfjordbotn invites you to experience sounds and stories from a remote fjord in Nordland. As reflected in the pathways within the narrative, the fjord seems secluded and quiet at...

The Archers, by Pete Austin and Joan Lamb
Average member rating: (1 rating)

If they put you in charge of The Archers, how would you change life in Ambridge? Here's your chance to find out. In this four-part, illustrated, text game you are the story editor, taking the plot decisions...

The Archivist and the Revolution, by Autumn Chen
Average member rating: (36 ratings)

The world is ending, and you are still paying rent....

The Arkham Abomination, by catventure
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

"THE ARKHAM ABOMINATION" (aka: "The Vileness Under The Henge") An interactive 'Lovecraftian' horror fanfic story. Author: catventure ©2021. A free, short, offline, downloadable, parser-based text adventure...
Arnold the Adventurer II, by Scott Denyer
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clichés, by Stephen Granade
Average member rating: (34 ratings)

The Art of Fugue, by Victor Gijsbers, Jimmy Maher, Dorte Lassen, and Johan
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

A pure story-less puzzle game featuring logical puzzles based on the idea of the fugue: your commands are performed by four different actors, but with increasing delays. The version with music features...

Artful Deceit, by James O'Reilly and Dian Mills O'Reilly
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

For the C64 ...

Arthur Yahtzee: The Curse of Hell's Cheesecake, by Ben Croshaw
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

In this comedic espionage game, you play as Agent Arthur Yahtzee of the Special Secret Service. Your mission is to stop the most evil and sadistic human in the multiverse, Doctor Diablo, from ever using...

The Ascot, by Duncan Bowsman
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

Anything might happen to you on the way to the convenience store. You might even run into a guy handing out cursed ascots that lead you to lost fortunes guarded by terrible monsters. Can you nab 100% of the...

Astrolab, by Eckhard Borkiet

Es war eine beschwerliche Reise durch den Weltraum, die dich schließlich hier an diesen unwirtlichen Ort, am Rande des Sonnensystems brachte. Der Auftrag schien diesmal sehr lukrativ zu werden. Dein Ziel:...

At Wit's End, by Mike Sousa
Average member rating: (15 ratings)

"A case study of Murphy's Law in action. In-game hints available." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]

Atalan, by Mandy Rodrigues
Average member rating: (1 rating)

You are a poor sailor inside a crew of a ship sailing through the Pacific for months. You encounter the unknown island Atalan and your ship captain wants to claim it for Britain. But as the ships get close...

Ataraxia, by Lauren O'Donoghue
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Ataraxia is a neighbourhood simulator in text adventure form. Inspired by folk horror, mystery and landscape narratives, you play as a newly-arrived traveller on a remote island. Explore the world. Settle...

Attack of Doc Lobster's Mutant Menagerie of Horror, by Duncan Bowsman
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Havoc is gone. It must be brought. You have a mind-controlled psychopathic veterinarian.

Attack of the Clockwork Army, by Felicity Banks
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Win the Steam-Powered Fight for a Nation! When the battle for Australia begins, will you join Her Majesty’s new clockwork army to keep Australia peacefully British once and for all—or will you cast your lot...

Attack of the Mutaydid Meat Monsters, by Duncan Bowsman
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

A mysterious murder after a meateor shower. A butcher suffers nightmares and strange deliveries. Can you save the world from the impending Attack of the Mutaydid Meat Monsters?
Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, by Øyvind Thorsby
Average member rating: (31 ratings)

Augmented Fourth, by Brian Uri!
Average member rating: (65 ratings)

WANTED: Amateur musicians to serve the Royal Court. Must provide own instrument and be inured to copious constructive criticism. Impress your friends! Meet the King! Apply in person at the Castle, located on...

August, by Matt Fendahleen
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Augustine, by Terrence V. Koch
Average member rating: (13 ratings)
St. Augustine, Florida is a city rich in history. Touted as the Oldest City in the United States, tourists flock to her to learn something of the nation's earliest settlers and get a sense of what life was...

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