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aberrance, by litrouke
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

An accusation against the voiceless. 500-word game made in a couple days for Neo Twiny Jam. Sort of multiple endings, but they all lead to the same place. Cover art is a composite of the wall of a Roman...

Abracadabra, by Jorge Blecua
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Baja Renania, durante el otoño de 1209... Clus d'Eledorf era un caballero de la Orden de Dottersen y pasaba sus dias apaciblemente en su castillo organizando torneos y grandes banquetes hasta que una noche...

The Absence of Miriam Lane, by Abigail Corfman
Average member rating: (38 ratings)

Sometimes people give pieces of themselves away....

Acheton, by Jon Thackray, David Seal, and Jonathan Partington
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort
Average member rating: (135 ratings)

"With the cantankerous Wizard of Wordplay evicted from his mansion, the worthless plot can now be redeveloped. The city regulations declare, however, that the rip-down job can't proceed until all the items...

The Adam and Eve Project, by Brian Kwak
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

In this incomplete game, you play as Adam and Eve, two amnesiac people selected to participate in an experiment by an unknown third entity. The entity offers a choice: spend the rest of your lives here in...

Admiration Point, by Rachel Helps
Average member rating: (22 ratings)

You work as a virtual exhibit artist at a digital culture museum. There is a glimmer of attraction to your co-worker. You are married and Mormon.

ADRIFT Maze, by Dana Crane
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

ADRIFT-O-Rama, by Dana Crane
Average member rating: (3 ratings)
You might be anyone carrying a token and a golf club. You've come to the ADRIFT-O-Rama to play a round of ADRIFT-themed mini-golf and have fun. Just buy a golf ball from the machine in the ball room, then...

Advent Mirror, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

"You had no idea where the portal would take you. That's life in the City of Doors. One more step as always." Created for the Confounding Calendar 2022.

Adventura, by Leighton Swannell
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Completely user defined game, made to inspire creativity in player. Many mysteries will force the player to come to their own conclusion as to what actually happens and develop their own backstory.

Adventure 200, by C. J. Coombs
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Adventure in the Fifth Dimension!, by Brian Moriarty

Few of our national treasures are more secure than the original Declaration of Independence. It's kept at the Library of Congress in a closely guarded display case, sealed in an atmosphere of inert gas to...

Adventure Quest, by Mike Austin, Nick Austin, and Pete Austin
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Adventure Quest is a full scale adventure game with 225 individually described locations. You will have to solve a very large number of problems on your journey to the Black Tower and (perhaps) victory. To...

Adventurer's Consumer Guide, by Øyvind Thorsby
Average member rating: (31 ratings)

The Adventurers' Museum, by Lee Chapel
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

The Adventures of Peter Patzer, Who Sought Masterhood and Returned Not Quite the Same, by John C. Knudsen
Average member rating: (1 rating)

You are Peter Patzer, on a quest, seeking chess mastery. Patzer you are, in name and being. Many are the legends told of your rotten moves at the chessboard. You are so lousy that your good moves cause...

Aegis, by Lumin
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

" hand out justice and mercy in balanced measures, to uphold the law of Greatwater and of its Council, and above all to never tarnish the honor of the Aegis that I hold and swear all this by."
Afflicted, by Doug Egan
Average member rating: (52 ratings)
This isn't the safest neighborhood. A young woman was abducted near here only recently. But as a city sanitarian you are obligated to complete your annual inspection of the local dive. [blurb from IF Comp...

After Shock, by David M. Banner, Terry Greer

An earthquake wreaks havoc on your city! Even worse, the earthquake has damaged the nuclear powerplant. In the chaos, can you cross town and get to the powerplant in time to save the city from a second...

Aftermath of the Asimovian Disaster, by Andrew Nelson
Average member rating: (1 rating)

From the book "Greeting Adventure Programs." Versions are also available for the Commodore C64 and the Sinclair QL.

Aisle, by Sam Barlow
Denk's rating:
Average member rating: (322 ratings)

"Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly. On to the next aisle... Aisle started out as a...

Akkoteaque, by Anthony Casteel
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

It is a wet, disgusting day in the middle of April. You are just about sick of the rain. You're just about sick of everything. They keep telling you, when you turn sixteen you can do what you like and live...

Alabaster, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, Ziv Wities
Average member rating: (121 ratings)

The Queen has told you to return with her heart in a box. Snow White has made you promise to make other arrangements. Now that you're alone in the forest, it's hard to know which of the two women to trust....

Albert is Lost!: An Adventure in Real Life, by Tiberius Thingamus

As the jauntily attired author, Tiberius Thingamus, you must find your lost brother Albert somewhere at the Oldeland Fall Festival through fabulously contrived means. A thematic sequel of some sort to Yon...

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