Otto's Played Games

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Nerd Quest, by Gabor de Mooij
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)
This is a snack-sized adventure game written in my own hobby programming language MechaniQue. I will make it available as a web page so you don't have to install anything (see walkthrough for details and...
Nevermore, by Nate Cull
Average member rating: (24 ratings)
"A short tale of mystery and madness inspired by Poe's "The Raven"." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]
The Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom, by Anssi Räisänen
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)
In this fantasy romance, you are a new arrival at the very secretive Ngah Angah School of Forbidden Wisdom. Now prove you have the right to be there by completing three extreme tests. The penalty for failure...

Noir d'Encre, by Nathanaël Marion
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Nous étions poursuivis, mon frère et moi. Par ma faute, nous courions au coeur de la forêt pour lui échapper. Je devais le protéger, il n'avait que huit ans. Il s'agissait de mon devoir de grande soeur. Mais...

Off the Trolley, by Krisztian Kaldi
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

Pascal's Wager, by Doug Egan
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (26 ratings)
"The original Pascal's Wager was essentially a cost/benefit analysis of religious faith. However, Blaise Pascal (a 17th century Catholic) disregarded the possible existence of non-Christian Gods. This game...

The Pawn, by Rob Steggles, Peter Kemp, Hugh Steers, Ken Gordon, and Geoff Quilley
Average member rating: (28 ratings)

The Pawn is an adventure game set in the magical world of Kerovnia during a period of tremendous social upheaval. Recently, King Erik, the present ruler of the land, has started to lose his hold on the...

Photograph: A Portrait of Reflection, by Steve Evans
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (27 ratings)

Photograph was an entry in the 2002 IFComp, in which it placed 3rd out of 38 entries. It was also nominated for two XYZZY awards, "Best Player Character" & "Best Use Of Medium". It's a story-driven, almost...

Pick Up The Phone Booth And Die, by Rob Noyes
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (112 ratings)

A very short game. Whatever you do, do not pick up the phone booth; well, you can guess from the title what happens if you do. [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
Qui a tué Dana ?, by Vegeta
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
John fut réveillé par son portable. Il se tourna vers son réveil pour constater qu’il était 3 heures du matin. « Ici Mulder, c’est pourquoi ? — Patron ! c’est Malkowitch, on a reçu un appel urgent sur la...

Rameses, by Stephen Bond
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (125 ratings)

Red Moon, by Jonathan Hay
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

In this short one-room game, you play as a young former football player somehow trapped by fear in a wooden hut with your sister. It's frighteningly dark in the hut, save for the red light that shines...
Riverside, by Jeremy Crockett and Victor Janmey
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (16 ratings)
In this incomplete mystery, you play as a man named Mike who feels obligated to investigate the murder of his psychiatrist friend John. CAUTION: Contains read-authors'-minds issues and an abrupt troll...

Sarvegne, by Eric Forgeot and Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot (graphics)
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Savoir-Faire, by Emily Short
Average member rating: (132 ratings)

The beautiful life is always damned, they say. As for you, you've overexpended yourself: fifteen years of prominence, champagne, carriage rides in the Tuileries, having your name whispered behind...

She's Got a Thing for a Spring, by Brent VanFossen
Average member rating: (32 ratings)

It's been a hectic year, and it's time to get away. He told you that, and you agreed. Now you're here, in a grove of aspen, and long for a good, long bath in the nearby hot spring. [--blurb from The Z-Files...

Shrapnel, by Adam Cadre
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (168 ratings)

The Sleeping Princess, by Molly Engelberg, Alex Engelberg, and Mark Engelberg
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

You are a pageboy, well, actually you're more like a janitor. Can you wake the sleeping princess? An entry in the IFBeginnersComp.

Snowquest, by Eric Eve
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (47 ratings)

You've been on your quest so long you've almost forgotten what it is all about, but now you are nearing your destination -- if only you can stay alive long enough in this frozen wilderness to reach it.

Sorcière au balcon, apprenti en déraison !, by Eric Forgeot
Average member rating: (1 rating)

As a young and unexperimented apprentice, you're seeking the knowledge, but also the love of this mysterious sorceress... You've just entered the garden in front of her balcony... Beware of her father's dogs...

Souterraine, by jarel
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

An entry in the 2007 French IF Comp. Seul et endolori au fond du trou. La tribu doit être en train d’émigrer vers le Sud, vers des lieus plus chauds avant l’arrivée du froid. Ils ne s’attarderont pas par...

Sparrow's Song, by J. D. Berry
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Suveh Nux, by David Fisher
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (225 ratings)

An entry in the 2007 One Room Game Competition. You play a magician's servant who gets trapped in your master's vault; you'll need to learn some of his tricks if you want to get out.

Things, by Jacqueline A. Lott and Sam Kabo Ashwell
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

To Hell in a Hamper, by J. J. Guest
Otto's rating:
Average member rating: (112 ratings)

Professor Pettibone, eminent Victorian balloonist, has a problem. He can't get it up. His balloon that is. If he can't reach an altitude of 20,000 feet, and soon, both he and his mysterious travelling...

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