
Member since April 9, 2022
Last visited June 1, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): 11xqpgiww4gz1zdw

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Grayson [they/them], publishes under 30x30.

Artist, author, fishing minigame enthusiast, mangler of code. Writes choice-based science-fiction, ecological, horror, and occasional lesbian romance games in Twine.
Website: https://30x30.neocities.org/

Author of:
- Protocol (Best In Show, Spring Thing 2023)
- lost birds
- TERMINAL VELOCITY and Successor (Neo-Twiny Jam, 2023)
- The Revenant's Lament (Second place, Ectocomp 2023 (Le Grand Guignol))
- constellate (Neo-Interactive's Smoochie Jam, 2024)
- sojourn (Neo-Interactive's Revival Jam, 2024)

and more

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Interactive Fiction by 30x30

Protocol, by 30x30 (2023)
(4 ratings)
You are a crewman aboard Observatory Station Calypso-54414d. Everything you know is a lie.

The Revenant's Lament, by 30x30 (2023)
(4 ratings)
or, the Ballad of John Cassidy King

TERMINAL VELOCITY, by 30x30 (2023)
(3 ratings)
A CONVERSATION ABOUT GRAVITY, AMBITION, AND FLIGHT. Created for the Neo-Twiny Game Jam, with the stipulation that the game be shorter than 500 words in length. TERMINAL VELOCITY is precisely 499...

Successor, by 30x30 (2023)
(3 ratings)
A love letter to ecology and the promise of new worlds. Created for the Neo-Twiny Game Jam, with the stipulation that the game be shorter than 500 words in length. Successor is a brief work of...

constellate, by 30x30 (2024)
A dying lord of a dying people seeks comfort in the arms of a soldier turned sower. The distant sun rises over an artificial moon hung gently in orbit of Saturn's rings. You fear the encroachment...

See all 6 games by 30x30

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30x30's Play Lists

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Starfisher, by lnmmnl
eurydicesloveletter, by tamburp

Wish List

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